Author: Alex Murray

  • I’d like to be a little less schizophrenic online

    We all know how we can end up being a very different person online to in real life (IRL) but we’ve grown to accept that as part of the fun really. Hands up who doesn’t enjoy the occasional foray into being a keyboard hero? [sidetracked] How come only one gets an acronym? Or is it…

  • I *heart* reCAPTCHA

    Finally managed to install it as my first line of defence against the never-ending onslaught of spam. It’s done the job very well indeed – no spam as far as I can see since it was deployed. Why did it take me so long? Well, I’ve got a tendency just to tinker along with fixing…

  • Tour of Britain 2008 – Stage 1 photos

    Tour of Britain 2008 – Stage 1, originally uploaded by leguape. Having a pro Flickr account is actually encouraging me to take more pictures and post more. I guess when you’ve paid your money you’ve got a reason to be there. This is one from my small collection of images I took on the opening…

  • Sunlight dancing on a wall

    Sunlight dancing across a wall (more) from Alex Murray on Vimeo.

  • Roman Holiday

    Rome, May 2008, originally uploaded by leguape. I’ve finally got round to getting a Flickr Pro account which means I’ve been uploading my backlog of photos from this year, including two trips to Italy which have been quite productive photographically speaking. This is a shot of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, taken in May. Not…