Re-jig of content
I’ve just swapped a couple of things around. Why on earth I need a “News” page when it’s so infrequent is a question I have now answered by getting rid of it and stick my Movable Type content in the main slot. I might need to do a bit more work on this idea to…
Moving host
I’ve moved my hosting service from freezone to servage.net who so far have been excellent in the package the offer and in their support service. On the list of things to do are: – An update on various bits of code and parts of the site – Sort out EchoSound Location’s myspace materials – Start…
Blogger issues
I’m suffering the dreaded “001 java.net. ConnectException: ” problem. I’m checking with my ISP as to whether it’s them or blogger. Which means a hiatus in my publishing which has been getting going again with the Etape blog.