I’d like to be a little less schizophrenic online
We all know how we can end up being a very different person online to in real life (IRL) but we’ve grown to accept that as part of the fun really. Hands up who doesn’t enjoy the occasional foray into being a keyboard hero? [sidetracked] How come only one gets an acronym? Or is it…
I *heart* reCAPTCHA
Finally managed to install it as my first line of defence against the never-ending onslaught of spam. It’s done the job very well indeed – no spam as far as I can see since it was deployed. Why did it take me so long? Well, I’ve got a tendency just to tinker along with fixing…
Del.icio.us and flickr added
Have got these two working almost as I would like, along with Twitter. Now just got to get Last.fm to do what I want and I’ll have most of the Web 2.0 tools that I commonly use on this page. Then there’s they rest of the site to overhaul from being static pages to something…
CSS hell
I’ve now added twitter updates and de.licio.us links. Twitter seems to be appearing nicely and was no problem. Getting the other one to line up is proving one of those finickety nightmares of tweekery. I have stopped trying after two days. Any ideas? Going to add the Flickr badge as well when I get a…
Upgrading to MT4
It’s a totally new interface so bear with me if things start getting rather broken while I’m tinkering under the hood.